Monday, November 3, 2008

CT Students' Math Scores Just Above... Egypt's?

For a state that is often recognized for its high per-capita income and its "Gold Coast" towns of Greenwich and Weston, it's appalling to learn that Connecticut has the largest achievement gap between rich and poor students of any US state.

ConnCAN is a Connecticut non-profit concerned with closing the achievement gap and securing great public schools for all CT children, no matter what town they live in. Their findings are at once eye-opening and sad, but still important to any Connecticut resident or any citizen concerned with our country's education system.

Here is just some of their data, and you can find the rest at their website.

It seems there is a correlation between education levels and violence... is ending violence as simple as being better educators?


Anonymous said...

"It seems there is a correlation between education levels and violence... is ending violence as simple as being better educators?"

Hard to say. Correlation and causation are, as always, distinct. For all we know, the two don't have a causal relationship at all. Hyperbole, to be sure, but the extent is debatable.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this clear and stark picture of the status of education in our country. There is no question that this must be a national priority....NOW.